In the world of barbecue, champion pitmaster Mike Mills is affectionately known as “The Legend.” He presides over the pits at his two nationally acclaimed 17th Street Barbecue barbecue restaurants in Southern Illinois. The 17th Street Barbecue Pig Pack - Two of 17th Street Barbecue sauce and Magic Dust rub is perfectly packaged for gift giving as is the 17th Street Barbecue Pig Pair - Best-selling Mike's Original sauce and Magic Dust rub 

Barbecue heiress Amy Mills, daughter of barbecue legend Mike Mills, is considered the industry’s go-to girl for all things barbecue. She is the James Beard Award-nominated author of Peace, Love and Barbecue. Amy's newly opened coffee/breakfast/lunch/gourmet provisions shop, FAYE suggests
Faye Coffee Lover's Box.  Beautifully packaged in a signature box, this kit contains:

  • Southern Weather coffee beans ~ this is our house brew, roasted by Onyx Coffee Lab
  • Candied orange peel, imported from Sicily
  • Quince & Apple preserves
  • Faye-branded insulated Carter Move mug by Fellow ~ with the unique splashguard, perfect for travel